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How to Get Verified on Instagram?

We list some key considerations here to help you make a sensible decision as to the number of followers on Instagram you’ll need for your blue tick.

1. You can’t buy a verified badge on Instagram

They are only given out by the social media team at Instagram to those accounts that they believe deserve it. In order for them to feel that you are ‘popular’ enough, your account must have a lot of followers. You can see who on Instagram has the blue tick badge by clicking on the three dots beside their username on their profile page. If they have it, there will be an option to ‘Verified Account’ with their badge beneath.

2. As well as a large number of followers

A high level of engagement is required before the Instagram team will blue tick your account. This can be seen from those accounts that have been verified but have considerably less than the average number of followers for their industry/category. If you’re planning on becoming verified on Instagram then focus on gaining as much quality as possible through using the tools available to you.

3. Instagram’s terms and conditions state that you can’t buy a blue tick badge

Instagram has very strict terms and conditions in place which state that it is not possible to buy the verified badge. This means they are likely to be very cautious about verifying accounts when there are higher numbers of followers involved.

4. 800 million monthly active users currently use Instagram

it’s no wonder why so many influencers are trying to get verified on the platform. If you have small numbers of followers however, there may be other ways in which you can grow your account popularity before attempting to get the blue tick.

5. It is worth noting that having a blue tick on your account will not always lead to a significant increase in your brand’s exposure or success.

You can see some examples of accounts with the blue tick below, for example @katyperry who has 114 million followers and @justinbieber with 104 million followers both have the blue badge next to their username despite having significantly fewer followers than other accounts within their industry/category.

In conclusion, it seems that you need to have a lot of followers on Instagram before the social media team at Instagram considers your account worthy of being verified with a blue tick badge. However from our experience brands should consider alternative marketing avenues on social media rather than solely focusing on this as a way to gain a competitive advantage over their rivals.

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