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How do you get 100 comments on Instagram?

To get 100 comments on Instagram you need to post good, interesting content. The best way to get people to comment is by soliciting their opinions on relevant topics. There are other ways, like giveaways and contests, which will be mentioned later in the article.

Posting good content

Many different types of posts work well for driving comments. Some examples include:

·          Photos and videos about your brand and products

·          Questions for other users

·          Contests and giveaways with other users as prizes

There are many other different types of posts that you can make — the only limit is your imagination! The key to driving comments on Instagram is to post good content that people really want to talk about. And the only way you’re going to know what kind of posts drive comments is by testing different types of posts.

Asking for Other Users’ Opinions

One of the most successful types of posts on Instagram are those asking for other users opinions. But how do these types of posts work?

One example is to ask users questions about your product or brand. For example, if you sell shoes you can ask users their opinion on what color shoes they like best. By doing this you are providing the user with valuable information while simultaneously driving engagement for your own post. And in turn, when people see that a particular color of shoes is the favorite, there’s a good chance that they will comment with their own opinion. It can be as simple as asking for users to complete a sentence or choose between two options.

One thing you should keep in mind when soliciting opinions from other users is to make your questions general and open-ended. In the past I’ve run contests on Instagram where I ask users to like the picture in order to enter. Although it seems simple, the majority of these types of posts gather very few comments because they are too direct and leave no room for discussion.

Improve Your Odds by Getting More Exposure

Another way that you can get more people commenting is by getting your post more exposure. For example, if you post a picture on Instagram and only your followers see it there is only so much exposure the picture will get. But what if you posted the same photo to another social network like Facebook? Thanks to Facebook’s larger user base there is a good chance that your post will show up in many of your friend’s feeds. And as a result, you’ll get more exposure and comments on Instagram should increase as a result.

Tips to Keep in Mind

There are a few things that will help you improve the amount of comments that your posts receive. The first thing is to make sure you use high-quality photos and videos when posting content on Instagram. The higher the quality of your photos and videos, the more likely you will get people commenting. Another thing to keep in mind is to pay attention to what other brands are doing on Instagram. Try following some brands that have large followings like Armani or Nike. Observe how they interact with their users and then try to apply their methods

All in all, the best way to get people to comment on your Instagram post is by providing valuable content. It can be anything from questions asked of other users or posts about your brand/company. The only way you’re going to know what works is by testing different types of posts and seeing which ones drive comments.