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How to disable Facebook comments

How to disable Facebook comments

In this article, we will explore the process of turning off comments on Facebook posts. This can be useful for various reasons, such as preventing inappropriate or unwanted comments, or simply keeping the post private. Here’s how you can disable Facebook comments:

  1. Open Facebook and navigate to the post on which you want to disable comments.
  2. Click on the three dots at the top right corner of the post.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select “Turn off commenting.”

By following these 3 simple steps, comments on your Facebook post will be disabled. It’s important to note that this action can’t be undone, so be sure that disabling comments is the right choice for your post.

Did you know that in 2020, Facebook had around 2.8 billion monthly active users worldwide? (Source: Statista)

Comments on Facebook Posts: the breeding ground for keyboard warriors and trolls alike.

Understanding Facebook comments

Facebook comments are a way for users to express their opinions or reactions on posts, photos, and videos. They appear right below the content and can be seen by anyone who has access to the post. You can reply to comments, like or dislike them, and even delete them.

If you own a Facebook page or group, knowing how to manage comments is essential. To control the conversations happening on your page, you might consider disabling comments altogether. This can be useful when you want to prevent spamming, hate speech, or irrelevant content from appearing in your comment section.

However, keep in mind that disabling comments can limit engagement with your audience, so use this feature sparingly. Another option is to moderate comments manually and remove any undesirable content as soon as possible.

Pro Tip: You can also use keywords filters and automated moderation tools provided by Facebook to minimize harmful behavior in your comment section.

How to disable Facebook comments

Take control of your Facebook page and silence the haters by following these easy steps to disable comments.

Steps to disable Facebook comments

If you want to restrict comments on your Facebook profile or page, here are the necessary measures to follow.


  1. Open Facebook and go to “Settings” on your profile/page.
  2. Click “Public Posts” in the “Settings” tab.
  3. Tap/toggle the “Comments” option.
  4. Choose the option that best fits your needs, such as ‘turn off comments’ or ‘allow comments from friends only.’
  5. Click ‘Save’ to apply the changes.

You have successfully disabled the Facebook comments.

Another alternative method is to restrict comments on individual posts. This option can be accessed through the ‘Audience Selector Tool’. By selecting ‘Only Me’ as the audience, your post will not receive any comments.

According to a study published on Forbes, disabling Facebook comments can lead to reduced engagement from users.
Time to play hide-and-seek with Facebook’s comment section, first step: finding their secret settings.

Step 1: Accessing Facebook settings

To modify your Facebook page settings to disable comments, you need to access the relevant section on the site. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click on the down arrow at the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Select ‘Settings’ from the dropdown menu.
  3. Click on ‘Public Posts’ in your left-hand menu.
  4. Scroll down and find the ‘Who Can Follow Me’ tab, then click on Edit.
  5. In the dropdown menu next to ‘Who Can Follow Me’, select ‘Public’.

It is important to note that by making this change, your future posts will not have comments enabled by default.

In addition to this setting, you can also choose to turn off commenting for individual posts. To do this, navigate to the post in question and click on the three dots at the top right corner of the post. From there, select ‘Turn off commenting’.

I remember a time when social media was all about engaging in conversation with other users. However, as time passed and more people joined social media platforms, it became a place where trolls would leave nasty comments under posts just for shock value. It’s understandable why some people would want to disable their comment sections entirely – it removes any potential negativity from strangers while still allowing them to share their thoughts and ideas online with those they know and trust.

Let’s navigate through Facebook’s maze of settings, shall we? Just remember to bring breadcrumbs and a sense of direction.

Step 2: Navigating to the specific post settings

To navigate to the specific post settings and disable comments, follow these steps:

  1. First, open the Facebook account and go to the profile or page where you wish to make changes.
  2. Identify and select the post that you want to disable comments for.
  3. Click on the three dots (…) icon at the top right of the post. A drop-down menu will appear.
  4. From this menu, select ‘Turn off commenting.’ This will turn off comments for that specific post.

To prevent any potential misunderstandings, it is worth noting that disabling comments is only applicable to individual posts rather than universally across profiles or pages.

It is important to note that according to a report by Statista in 2020, around 74% of US Facebook users aged between 18-34 years-old check their Facebook accounts at least once a day.

Silencing the haters has never been easier – just follow these simple steps to disable comments on your Facebook post.

Step 3: Disabling comments on the post

To disable comments on your Facebook post, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open your Facebook account and go to the post you want to edit.
  2. Click on the three-dot icon in the top right corner of your post.
  3. Select “Turn off commenting” from the dropdown menu.
  4. If you want to turn off commenting for multiple posts, select them individually or choose “Select All Posts.”
  5. Finally, click on “Save” to implement changes.

This will disable all further comments on your Facebook post.

Moreover, by disabling comments on a Facebook post, you can avoid unnecessary attention and unwanted interactions with certain individuals online.

A true fact: According to Pew Research Center data in 2018, about two-thirds of U.S. adults (68%) use Facebook.

Still want feedback? Take up yodeling or start a blog.

Alternatives to disabling comments

For those who wish to have more control over their Facebook page’s comments without necessarily disabling them, there are some distinct options available.

Adjust Comment Visibility: Users can limit who can see their comments by adjusting their comment visibility settings. This can range from only allowing friends to see the comments to making the comments public.

Turn on Comment Moderation: With comment moderation on, users can manually approve comments before they appear on their page. This is particularly handy for those that are managing large groups or pages with a lot of engagement.

Filter Comments: Facebook allows users to filter comments by keyword or specific friend. This is a great way to weed out spam or unwanted comments.

Encourage Positive Feedback: Engage with your audience and encourage positive feedback. This not only helps build relationships, but it also can help tone down negative comments.

Adjust Language Settings: Users can also adjust language settings to avoid any offensive or triggering comments being posted.

For those that desire to maintain comments but are hesitant to deal with negativity, these alternatives offer a range of options.

A friend of mine, who runs a small business and remains active on social media, found great success with the comment moderation tool. While it did add an extra layer of work, they were able to maintain a positive online presence and limit any negative comments, ultimately leading to stronger community engagement. Moderating comments is like playing a game of whack-a-mole, except the moles are trolls and they never seem to go away.

Moderating comments

Comment Moderation: Strategies to Manage Online Responses

Managing comments on an online platform requires careful consideration and application of relevant strategies.

  1. Filtering inappropriate content using software can help eliminate unwanted communication.
  2. Established guidelines and policies act as a precursor to setting the tone for acceptable behavior within the community.
  3. Lastly, active moderation by knowledgeable individuals ensures that conversations remain healthy and constructive.

To effectively moderate comments, it is essential to have a solid understanding of what types of responses are appropriate for the platform in question. Limiting outright offensive communication won’t always be sufficient if users express themselves in a way that may cause unrest at a later stage. To prevent this, moderators should gauge the overall sentiment of the discussions taking place.

A leading blogger once had his website hacked due to poor comment moderation practices involving minor trolling subjects. Following this unfortunate incident, he implemented stricter controls over user-generated content. This led to substantial improvements in engagement metrics as readers appreciated being part of a more secure community where their voices could be heard and shared openly without concern for abuse or harassment.

Turning off notifications is like putting a muzzle on a dog, it might quiet them down, but it also takes away their ability to communicate.

Turning off notifications

When it comes to managing comments on your platform, it may not always be necessary to turn off notifications entirely. In fact, there are alternative methods that may help you streamline the moderation process without alienating your audience.

  1. Restrict notifications for certain types of comments: Consider only receiving notifications when a comment falls into a specific category, such as those containing profanity or personal attacks.
  2. Moderate comments before they show up publicly: Instead of turning off notifications altogether, consider reviewing comments before they go live on your platform.
  3. Limit comment sections to specific individuals: Depending on the nature of your platform, it may be beneficial to only allow pre-approved users to leave comments. This can help establish a more trustworthy community and reduce the frequency of negative or spammy comments.
  4. Set up automated filters: Many platforms have built-in tools that automatically identify and flag inappropriate content. Explore these options before deciding to turn off notifications entirely.
  5. Utilize third-party moderation services: If keeping up with comments is becoming overwhelming, consider outsourcing moderation tasks to another party.

Taking measures like these can help make managing your comment section more manageable without resorting to disabling them completely. Remember, each platform and audience is unique – experiment with different strategies until you find what works best for you.

Did you know? According to a study by Pew Research Center, 74% of Facebook users visit the site at least once per day.

Control freaks rejoice: Limiting who can comment on your posts is the perfect way to keep out those pesky opinions you don’t agree with.

Limiting who can comment on posts

Limiting the Audience for Comments:

Restricting who can post comments on your content is an effective tactic to maintain professionalism and civility in your interactions. Here are five ways to limit the audience for comments without disabling them entirely:

  1. Permit known people to comment: Only let those who have registered with your site or hold a verified user profile comment.
  2. Age restriction: Set age requirements to ensure comments come from mature individuals.
  3. Limit accounts of users engaging in abusive behavior: Automatically block any commenter who has previously made abusive, derogatory, or off-topic remarks.
  4. Comment approval moderation: Require that you approve all comments before they can be publicly visible.
  5. Prevent anonymous posting: Mandate all users must use their real names when posting or commenting.

Additionally, some platforms may enable you to restrict comment accessibility according to specifics such as geolocation or device type.

Pro Tip:

Limiting who can post doesn’t have to be an either-or decision. Instead, combine multiple strategies that work well together – like demanding registration and approval moderating – for optimal results.
Before you disable comments, consider these alternatives, unless of course, you enjoy talking to yourself in an echo chamber.


To wrap up, disabling Facebook comments can bring numerous benefits to both individuals and businesses. By following the aforementioned steps, users can avoid negative comments, prevent spamming, maintain privacy and promote a more positive social media presence. It is important to weigh the pros and cons before making such a decision to ensure it aligns with personal or business goals.

One important point to note is that disabling comments may negatively impact engagement rates. Therefore, it may be beneficial to moderate rather than disable comments altogether. This allows for constructive feedback and discussion while preventing unnecessary negativity.

It is also helpful to consider alternative methods of communication such as direct messages or email for those who prefer a more private conversation.

A study by Sprout Social found that 76% of consumers are more likely to trust a brand with honest social media conversations. Therefore, it is important to use these strategies carefully and thoughtfully in order to maintain transparency and credibility with your audience.

According to TechRadar, Facebook plans on introducing more moderation tools in the coming years which will give users even more control over their comment sections. As social media continues to evolve, it is important for users and brands alike to stay up-to-date with new features and trends in order to effectively manage their online presence.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I disable all comments on my Facebook posts?

To disable comments on all future posts, you can go to your Facebook’s Settings, click on Public Posts, and then turn off the “Allow people to comment on your public posts” option.

2. Can I disable comments on a specific Facebook post?

Yes, when creating a post or editing an existing one, you can click on the audience selector button (usually a globe icon), select Custom, and then uncheck the “Allow Comments” box.

3. Will disabling comments affect how many people see my Facebook post?

No, disabling comments will not affect your post’s visibility or engagement rate. However, keep in mind that comments can sometimes create more engagement, so it’s worth considering if disabling comments is the best option for your post.

4. Can I prevent people from commenting on my Facebook profile picture or cover photo?

Unfortunately, Facebook does not currently offer an option to disable comments on profile pictures or cover photos.

5. What happens to existing comments if I disable comments on a Facebook post?

Existing comments will still be visible but no new comments will be allowed. However, you can delete existing comments if you wish.

6. Can I re-enable comments on a post that I previously disabled comments for?

Yes, when editing the post, you can simply check the “Allow Comments” box to enable comments again.