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How To Get More Likes On Youtube? 5 Tips Every YouTuber Should Know

Are you starting your YouTube channel with a 0 subscription? You just uploaded your first video recently, but the video didn’t get any views and now you are wondering how to get more likes on youtube.

Well, you are at the right place because, in this article, we will share some tips, and if you stick to those, you will surely draw some traffic on your channel.

Let’s get started!

How To Get More Likes on Youtube

How To Get More Likes On Youtube? 5 Tips Every YouTuber Should Know1. Ask Your Viewers to Like Your Video 

Asking your viewers to like the video they are watching is crucial. Getting people to view your content is easier than making them like it.

 Most viewers need to remember to like what they just watched. If there is any dialogue or text in your video, tell your viewers to like it and explain to them why. 

It is another important part to describe why your audience should like your video.

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2. Make Videos that are Like-Worthy 

Do you know what makes Youtube better than hundreds of other video-sharing websites? The trick is to make a video that will get more likes– likes signify approval.

 People are more likely to like your YouTube video if it complies with one or more of these aspects:

  • It educated the viewer.
  • It entertained the viewer.
  • It answered the viewer’s question.
  • It hit an emotional cord with the viewer.
  • It covered the topic nicely.

So while you are planning to create a video, make sure you keep the above checklist in mind.

3. Promote Your Videos Everywhere

How To Get More Likes On Youtube? 5 Tips Every YouTuber Should KnowIt’s all about being active online, as YouTube requires active online participation.

Several channels are available where you can do this, and the more you use them, the more YouTube likes you’ll get. 

You should be promoting yourself directly on Youtube– but is that possible? Yes, with video descriptions.

Cross-video promotion: Optimized video titles: If you don’t have a blog related to your video content, start one already since YouTube and Blogging go hand-in-hand.

With a blog, you may share your videos with viewers actively looking for articles. You might surprise them by including a video in your blog. 

Even though the video is hosted on YouTube, your blog allows viewers to still like it. 

The majority of social media networks now support video. Twitter and Instagram have marketed themselves as video-friendly social networking platforms.

Therefore, you can also promote your videos on these media.

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4. Make Personal Videos 

The most popular YouTube videos include an emotional element. People’s drive to like, comment on, and share your videos comes from their emotions. However, if you aren’t actively engaging with your audience, competing for video content will quickly win them over.

5. Stalk Your Competition On YouTube 

There may be no competition, but YouTubers are doing something similar or better than you.

If viewers prefer your competitor’s channel over you, it’s time to kick it up a notch. Keep observing what they are doing better and where you need to improve.

Simplicity is the key. Some of the above tips make you consider treating your channel as a business. 

While you must maintain discipline, remaining casual is crucial to your YouTube journey.

YouTube implies fun, so try to keep it simple and keep fun!

We hope this article helped you with “how to get more likes on youtube?”