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How do I get my photos noticed on Instagram?

Instagram is a social media platform where people share their lives and interests through photos. By choosing an attractive layout, good lighting for your photo, the right filters, the right hashtags, and engaging with other people who are interested in similar things to you. When you are posting your photo, think about the layout of your photo. If it doesn’t look nice or nothing is interesting in the background, people won’t stop to look at it.

Tips To get photos noticed on Instagram

Before you start, think about your photo and pick the perfect layout for it.

How to get photos noticed on Instagram

1. Use a Good Quality Camera.

It is essential always to use a good quality camera when taking photos of yourself or others. Most digital cameras will allow you to take several pictures quickly simply by holding the shutter button down instead of clicking it multiple times. This can be a handy feature, especially when you are taking selfies because you don’t have to wait for the camera to take a photo between each click of the button.

2. Use Good Lighting.

Your photos must give off good lighting, as this will help people see your face and the layout of your photo. Make sure that there is no glare on your photo. If you are outside, do not take the picture in direct sunlight because this will create a glare across your face and cast shadows over it.

“When you are posting your photo, think about the layout of your photo. If it doesn’t look nice or there isn’t anything interesting in the background, people won’t stop to look at it.”

3. Use an Interesting Background.

A boring background will make your photo look plain and simple. You can adjust this by moving yourself or your subject slightly out of the center so you have a little more room for creative positioning before clicking the shutter button.

4. Choose the Right Filters.

This is a very important part of Instagram because if your photo doesn’t look good on your feed, it will be harder for people to like and comment on it. This can sometimes demotivate you from posting photos, as some filters make the photo usual grey and some filters make the photo usual yellow. If this is not your photo’s color or you want to change it, play with the filter options until you find the perfect fit.

5. Use Creative Layouts

By choosing a creative layout for your photo, people will be able to notice and like your photos more than they would if you didn’t use a creative background. This is because when people scroll through their feed, they will see your photo and stop to like it.

6. Choose the Right Hashtags:

Choosing hashtags for Instagram is very important, as this will help other people find your photos if they are interested in similar things. Make sure to ask to “Like” your photos when your friends post interesting photos of themselves because this will make you more likely to like their posts when they are doing the same.

7. Interact With Other People

When people comment on your photos or like your posts, make sure you always return the favor by liking and commenting on theirs. This is a great way for others to notice you and interact with your photos.

8. Don’t Give Up

The worst thing you can do is give up on Instagram by thinking no one notices your posts and stops to like them. This is not true as long as there are people who really care about what you post and will stop to like it if it is exciting.

The most important aspect of Instagram is always to post captivating and creative photos that people will be drawn to and stop to like. Doing this will not only get more likes, but also get you noticed more than your friends who don’t use such techniques on their photo feeds.